The October List by Jeffery Deaver

The October List - book cover

Intrigue from the start…a puzzle inside an enigma.
How could that be an end to a story?
Trust Jeffery Deaver – it is!

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Let's begin at the end...

Best Mystery -  The October List 1


Ch 36     6.30pm    Is my daughter alright?
Ch 35     5.50pm    A killer waits.
Ch 34     4.00pm    Money & the October List.
Ch 33     3.30pm    It already is a bloodbath.
Ch 32     3.15pm    The cavalry has arrived.
Ch 31     2.15pm    GPS points to Gabriela.
Ch 30     2.10pm    At the Norwalk Fund flat.
Ch 29     1.40pm    Frank Walsh fantasises.
Ch 28     1.00pm    Joseph’s complicated night ahead.
Ch 27    11.50am   ‘Yellow Shirt’ wants to talk to them.
Ch 26    11.35am    In the trenches…
Ch 25    11.10am    Daniel, it’s time for you to leave.
Ch 24    10.00am    Was ‘shoot a cop’ Plan C?
Ch 23      9.45am    Enter Fred Stanford Chapman.
Ch 22      9.30am    Daniel gets it on with Gabriela.
Ch 21      8.30am    Stalking, attacking, killing…