The Quest for Anna Klein by Thomas H Cook

The Quest for Anna Klein - book cover

The question was never whether she would live or die, for that had been decided long ago.

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Getting ready

Best Mystery -  The Quest for Anna Klein 1

America, 1939. Thomas Danforth had thought himself a settled man. The import business his father had built up would come to him – and there had already been enough adventures as they traded their way through Europe. Dinner with Robert Clayton started a new, life changing, chapter. First he was intrigued, then he was introduced to the work of an agent, Anna Klein. It was only a small step for him to agree to make available a place where she could work…

Best Mystery -  The Quest for Anna Klein 2

And to provide the cover of employment at Danforth Imports. And to meet La Roche , the man who would train Anna for the task she had ahead of her. And to become party to the development and honing of the skills she would need: pistol shooting at close range, bomb making and explosives, sabotage, wireless operation and disguise. And to take care of her safety until, finally, he wanted nothing else but to be part of whatever it was she would face. For that, he had a severe test to pass.