The Wrong Man by Jason Dean

The Wrong Man - book cover

Framed for murder…
…Out for revenge.


James Bishop's story
- Handful of people could have set me up. Finding out who, would be just a matter of time. Finding out why, we’re in a whole different ballpark.

Jenna's story
- He was the first man I’d had back to my flat in two years. I told him about one of the things I’m good at. Mentioned the other.

Deputy Marshal Angela Delaney's story
- Dedicated and regular police work will catch him. That and a few tip-offs.

Aleron Falstaff's story
- He kept my brother out of trouble. But I heard it cost him.

Danny Costa's story
- I just have to keep him in my sights. That’s all I’ve been asked to do. OK, so I have other plans.