Something You Are by Hanna Jameson

Something You Are - book cover

Something like this could be happening on the streets near you.

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Debts to settle

Best Thrillers -  Something You Are 5

Everywhere Nic turned someone wanted a piece out of him. His sister had a habit to feed. His brother, now he was dead, took his time – that would be a family funeral. Clare Dyer messed with his head – giving her what she wanted took him into a whole new world. Edie, who ran the club they all frequented, wanted her soon-to-be-ex-husband sorted – that was a breeze.

Nic kept finding little quotations left for him – on the car windscreen, around the flat. Annoying little messages – all seemingly to do with death. His or another person’s he wasn’t sure. The world of drugs ran through everything he touched – and there were violent men involved who were reluctant to take no for an answer. They had plans for Nic.

Best Thrillers -  Something You Are 6

Pat Dyer was in no mood to be upset, either by someone who forgot whose drink it was on the bar or the thought that Nic might be succumbing to his wife’s all too evident charms. Above all that, he wanted revenge for what happened to Emma. Thank goodness Pat didn’t see the pictures. He was violent enough without any extra impetus.

Violence, that would put an end to it.